Declare,  Declare Proclaim Boldly,  Encouragement,  Fighting for Joy,  Focusing on Truth,  God’s mighty power,  Hope in God,  Life Battles,  Life Storms,  Mental Health,  Proclaim,  Pursuing health and wholeness,  Word of the Year,  WOTY,  WOTY 2024

2024 Word(s) Of the Year: Declare/Proclaim…Boldly

My 2024 Word(s) of the year are:

Declare/Proclaim …Boldly.

This comes out of Psalm 118:17 & Ephesians 6:19-20. The Lord brought these verses to me in late November and early December, and I began to notice the words- Declare. Proclaim.

As Psalm 118:17 states, “I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done.” This deeply resonates with me.

There has been so much that has felt like death in the last 8 years. And there has been actual death (2 angel babies) and also the caregiving and navigating 3 very different life-threatening illnesses/diagnoses for my husband and 2 of my children and close calls with death.

Sometimes life can be so hard, but God brings life and newness into the old broken & dying. He redeems & strengthens.

In 2023, God began to give a new song— I will not die but live— and will proclaim what the Lord has done.

Friend, what has the Lord done in your own life? What have you walked through? I’d love to have you share in the comments or ask for prayer.

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