Anxiety,  Anxiety tips and tricks,  Caregiving,  Coping strategies,  Fear,  how to decrease fear,  Medical diagnosis,  Mental Health,  PTSD,  Pursuing health and wholeness,  Trauma,  Truth

How to Deal With Fear & Anxiety Part 1- Do Life With Fear Alongside

Fear and anxiety can be ever present with us, but I learned a powerful truth about fear as I walked thru caregiving for a life-threatening diagnosis for my child.

I have a powerful truth for you to hold onto in the midst of difficulty and fear. Grab these 2 free powerful printables- just for you- 2 FREE 8.5 x 11 Printables- To Empower & Encourage You. You will also get on my email newsletter which you don’t want to miss.

Stick around to see part 2 of Fear & Anxiety.

I learned how to live life with fear alongside.
And it was empowering & life-changing for me.

“Live life with fear alongside.” -Amber Jeann Parker

Share your experience with dear friend. There is no shame in having fear or feeling fear. It is not wrong to feel. It is, in fact, an emotion. What we do with that emotion after feeling it is crucial. When we feel fear, how will we respond?

For me, I learned this empowering and life giving truth to live by as I faced the reality of death each day. It was not a morbid reality but one to acknowledge and know its truth.

Here’s what helped me: “Do life with fear alongside.” The words God gave me to make it through and do life better even in the face of debilitating fear at times. Yes, fear of death. Fear that was real and valid. It was okay to acknowledge that fear. It was also okay to put fear in its’ proper place.

Fear is a tool to help guide us toward appropriate and safer, better decisions. It is not to lead the way in our life, though. It is not to overtake us and take us down- paralyzing us with fear-led decision making.

There is a better way through difficult circumstances. “Do life with fear alongside.”

Put fear in its’ proper place and find improved freedom and resilience as you continue forward in your life battles.

I’ll share a powerful truth I clung to in my next post. Stick around and make sure to get on my email list after grabbing your 2 free printables of 2 powerful truths to help you right now: Here they are just for you- 2 FREE 8.5 x 11 Printables- To Empower & Encourage You. You will also get on my email newsletter which you don’t want to miss.

Be blessed friends. And remember- You are not alone in your battle.

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