
Amber J. Parker’s Book Title Reveal & Book Design Poll- Vote Today!

Hi friends, my book title is: “Battle Forged & Battle Ready”.

It is a book to help the primary caregiver of trauma & suicidality navigate the chaos and turmoil of mental health crisis so they can live with improved strength, hope, and resilience. It comes out of our own personal story of my caregiving for my husband through combat trauma and worsening mental crisis. We were in a fight for his life. This book is the one I wished I had back then, and so I am writing it for you, reader, as you fight your own battle for the life of your loved one.

I’ve been busy working on my book cover design with my publishing company and designers. I have narrowed them down significantly. I chose 6 of these designs. My publishing team chose 2.

You can vote today (6/25/24), Wednesday, and part of Thursday (6/27/24) on the 8 designs. Vote right away though so your vote counts.

I’d be grateful for you to vote and to share the link with others to vote also. Each design can have no votes (0 stars) up to 5 stars for your favorites.
The link is below.

A couple items to consider:
• Make sure to scroll to the end of the designs to see all 8 designs before beginning to vote (they are listed by order of when submitted by the designer with the newest and most updated designs at the bottom of the list and with the highest numbers).

• You can put no stars up to 5 stars for your favorites on the different designs. Each design will have its’ total votes averaged.

• This book is to look professional, be attractive to both men & women for the color choices, and be one of inspiration, trust, and hope in one of the darkest and most difficult battles they have faced — against suicidality and mental health crisis for their loved one.

• You can click on a design and zoom in to read the back cover or look closer at the design.

I appreciate your votes!

• If you are willing to share the link with men and women in your life to get their votes and take, I’d be grateful!!

Lastly, if you want to take a screenshot or picture of your results page and send it to me via social media message, replying to this post, or sending me an email (you’ll have my email address after signing up for my newsletter at the bottom of this article), I’ll put you in a drawing for a $5.00 Starbucks gift card delivered by email (winner chosen by the end of Saturday (6/29)).

Here is the link to cast your votes:


Remember, the poll closes on Thursday, 6/27/24, so make sure to cast your vote right away. Please share this article and the poll with others for them to vote also.

Also, if you are not on my email newsletter list yet, make sure to grab one of these free resources below to get on it! You won’t want to miss empowering content and knowing updates on this book.

“The Fight or Flight Guidebook”

“12 Steps to Find Your Ideal Therapist & Heal Your Life”

2 Empowering 8.5 x 11 Printables-John 10:10 & a Mental Health Quote

If all 3 sound amazing, you are welcome to all of them. You just input your name and email address onto each sign-up.

“You are not alone in your battle, friend.“

-Amber J. Parker

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