
Top 2 Final Book Cover Design Poll- for Amber J. Parker’s Book

This week of July 1st is the vote for the top 2 final designs on my book cover from last week’s poll! Make sure to read my words at the end of this article as well. There’s a drawing for a $10 Starbucks gift card for those who vote and are on my email newsletter. To be entered, read the directions.

Last week I revealed the book title: “Battle Forged & Battle Ready”, and you voted on 8 designs.

Thank you so much to everyone who voted on the designs and gave feedback. Your insight, opinions, and voting were extremely valuable.

It was very close between both of these cover designs. Please vote for your favorite one!

After this vote ends, I will be able to make a couple minor updates to the final design before it is finalized.

On Cover 1, the title on the spine will be in one line going down the spine, and the author name will be smaller to accommodate the change.

On Cover 2, The author name and designation is in a color not easily read on the front of the book. The color of the author name and designations will change to stand out and be more easily read.

Keep those changes in mind as you choose your favorite design.

Both of these covers are wonderful options, and I need your vote and insight!

Here’s the link to cast your vote:

Vote for the Final Book Design Cover- Top 2 Designs

If you have any additional comments or insight, please comment on this post with your words and refer to the specific designs as cover 1 or cover 2.

You are also welcome to email me your input. If you are not on my email list yet, sign up and you will have the email to send your remarks to. You also receive a Free Resource. Click which one you would like below or grab all of them!

“The Fight or Flight Guidebook”

“12 Steps to Find Your Ideal Therapist & Heal Your Life”

2 Empowering 8.5 x 11 Printables-John 10:10 & a Mental Health Quote

As you vote or give final feedback: Remember, the book design is to evoke strength, hope, and resilience against the dark and difficult battle of mental health crisis. It is written for both women and men.

This book does in fact deal with combat trauma and the veteran battle at home whilst still being applicable to all who are fighting for their loved one’s life (civilian or military) against the formidable foe of suicidality and mental crisis.

May we stand in solidarity and compassion for each other as we push forward in advocating for and caring for our loved one.

You are not alone in your battle.

With care,

Amber J. Parker

To be entered into the $10 Starbucks gift card drawing:

You must vote on the 2 designs, take a screenshot of the submission page, and send it to me. You must also be on my email newsletter list. Signup at one of the 3 links above or Click HERE.  

Again, after you vote, take a screenshot or picture with your phone of the submission page after you have submitted your vote.

Email me at choosejoyinthemidst@gmail.com or message me on social media your screenshot of the submission page for your name to be put into a drawing for a $10.00 Starbucks gift card as a thank you. (To be sent via email). 

The poll closes at some point this Thursday, July 4th. I will draw the name for the drawing this Saturday, July 6th.

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