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We Can Lift Up the Troubles of Our Soul to A Good & Trustworthy God

What in your soul is troubling you right now friend? I know that’s not a regular way of speaking nowadays, but it is so necessary.

Here’s why…

I know this to be true.

God cares about me and about you and the specific circumstances and relationships of our life.

I Can Bring My Cares to God.

I can bring before God my uncertainty, my overwhelmedness, my pain, my wounding, and my trauma.

He hears. He turns toward me. He is the protector and lifter up of my head.

As Psalm 25 says— I can lift up my soul to Him. That idea is so comforting and soothing to me in knowing I don’t have to face my troubles and concerns alone. The reason it comforts me rather than intimidates me is because I know my God desires good in my life and cares deeply for me.

Psalm 23- God’s Goodness & Unfailing Love

In Psalm 23, it talks about God’s goodness and unfailing love pursuing me all the days of my life, not just some days or occasionally… All the days of my life. His goodness and love. Pursuing me. Because He cares about my wellbeing, about my good, about my very life. He cares for me.

The same is true for you, friend. God cares for you. He desires to pour out His goodness and unfailing love (never running out love) upon you as well. All of your days of your life. Will you choose to allow Him to? Will you trust Him and give Him a chance with your cares and struggles?

Now, His ways are not our ways so choosing to trust Him and then trying to control how He goes about the good in our life is not the way. We actually have to enter into believing that God is good. God is holy. God is loving, not like the imperfect love here on earth… But with unfailing, perfect love. God desires good in our very life. The good that He deems good. We can trust Him if we begin to know who He is and His character and believe what He says to be true. We can trust Him.

Choosing to Actually Trust God

And so, if you choose to begin to trust God, then you will be willing to tell Him what struggles and anxieties and worries you are facing. The real struggles. The real problems…

So— Here goes. Let’s try it.

What in your soul is troubling you right now friend?

In what do you need support, truth, or a change or miracle in today?

“To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul;
in You I trust, O my God.
Do not let me be put to shame,
nor let my enemies triumph over me.”
Psalm 25: 1- 2 NIV

David Poured Out His Heart Honestly to God

David, the writer of most of the Psalms knew something powerful.

David knew he wasn’t in His battles alone.

He had plenty of struggle and difficulty in His life, and yet, God was for him and with him in it.

David poured out his heart, his soul, to God. And God moved on behalf of David and for God’s plan and will in the midst of David’s life.

Oh, and by the way, David messed up plenty. But God was still at work in David’s life and David repented in conviction for the sin and bad choices he made. And God forgave him because God is a God of forgiveness.

📌 We can learn much from David’s utter honesty and lifting up of his soul and his troubles to His God— the One who cares and the One who goes to battle on his behalf.

📌 God still fights for us too, in our own battles and life.

God fights for you friend— for your good. Remember, Hiss goodness and unfailing love are pursuing you all of your days.

Will you choose to trust Him and tell Him about your current battle?

Will you lift up your soul to the Lord in trust and connection?

You are not alone in your battle, friend.

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You are not alone.


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