Encouragement,  Fighting for Joy,  Overcome anxiety & worry,  Prayer,  spiritual warfare

But GOD who is rich in mercy- He has set you free!

But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us… made us alive in Christ. The part shown by the … was [even when we were dead in trespasses]. We can skip over this part quickly in reading the passage, but to stop and consider what that phrase means is so important. God is all merciful and had deep love for us. He acted upon that love and made a way for us to be alive in Christ.

He did that, NOT when we were lovely and amazing and showing ourselves so deserving of this love and sacrifice on behalf of Jesus on the cross, but instead, He chose to do that WHEN WE WERE DEAD IN OUR TRESPASSES. In the ugliness of sin and struggle and completely undeserving. We were in the midst of messing up, and God looked at us with love and moved by that deep love, He acted in order to make us alive, to bring us out of that pit, that trouble, that sin, that struggle that had entrenched you, entrenched me… And He made a way.

We needed God, and He did this on our behalf…

Why did He do this?

Because of His great love for me and and for you. To make us alive. To give us the opportunity to choose eternal life through Jesus. God did this also to show in the future a testimony of His grace in our lives to benefit others. For others to see God’s grace and mercy in our story, in order to bring them to God and to encourage them. To see the exceeding riches of His grace in our lives. Your story is not just for you. My story is not just for me. It is to bless and encourage others.

So, I ask, what has God made you alive from? What has He brought you out of? If God has made you alive, then do not turn back to continually condemn yourself and sit in shame.

If you have dealt with that issue, that trespass, that sin, and asked forgiveness of the Lord and are fighting to walk in truth and follow God, then do not be pulled back down and enter into the lies that Satan would like to whisper in your ear to keep you from walking in freedom.

If God has made you alive in Him, and brought you into freedom, walk in His light and His freedom. Share your story of what God has done in your life to bring glory and honor to Him. For others to know God’s grace and mercy too. Amen!

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