Encouragement,  Fighting for Joy,  Focusing on Truth,  Love,  Resting In Peace

You know me completely Lord!

What a beautiful passage to focus your mind on- Psalm 139. The Lord God of the universe is intimately acquainted with me- No, actually, He is intimately knowledgeable of me and of you. He knows me fully inside and out, better than any person on this planet could ever know me. He knows you fully inside and out, better than any person on this planet could ever know you. And after searching and knowing me and you, and knowing every thought, all of our ways, He then hems us in and before and lays His hand of protection and care over us… He envelops us in His arms with love and acceptance, understanding and delight.

We run after human love to be fully known, accepted, loved, delighted in… and yet, any human love or relationship can never come close to the God of the universe’s love and intimate desire to know us. He doesn’t even have to work or try to know us because He already does. What lavish love from the creator- to love us and be loved, especially after such intimate knowledge of each one of us- all our thoughts, all our actions.

Sit and consider that for a moment, friend. God truly and deeply… Loves. You. Accepts. You. After fully knowing. You. Wow. He then turns toward you and cares for you, deeply, wonderfully.

What’s even better in that lavish love, is that He delights in me and you. Yes, He loves you and me with such great love. To sit and truly consider how deeply and greatly He loves me and knows me and accepts me and cares for me and also how greatly He loves you and knows you, accepts you and cares for you is truly- as the Psalmist said- That knowledge is too wonderful for me… It goes on to say that it is too lofty for him to attain.

We can bask in the knowledge and truth that God truly knows and cares for us. What wonderful truth to grab ahold of today and walk in. Be blessed today friends!


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