Encouragement,  Fighting for Joy,  Focusing on Truth,  Prayer,  Resting In Peace

God is faithful & cares for you today

As I awake this morning, my thoughts are drawn to familiar words of a song, Faithful, by Eric Nieder. “Lord you search me, how you know me. You perceive my every thought from afar”… The chorus goes on to to say “Even when I’m not, you’re faithful. Even when I doubt your truth holds. Even when I’m lost you won’t let me go. When my heart is dry your grace flows. No matter where I run I’m not far from home. Yea, I may be weak but you’re able. Even when I’m not, you’re faithful.”

I’m exhausted as I begin my day. The night was not restful with my youngest and hasn’t been for a number of nights. There are many burdens and to-dos on my plate. The plans of today stretch before me. The lyrics of the song wash over me. I am not alone in it. God is faithful. He is able, especially when I’m not. He pursues my anxious heart as the song also says. His truth holds. His grace flows when I’m struggling and when I’m not. He is faithful. And He knows me deeply, truly, intimately. I can rest in Him today and His promises and His strength for what is before me- the decisions, the demands, the struggles. He is able. He is God.

The song comes out of Psalm 139: 1-10. You can read it as this link:


Verse 5 and 10 stick out to me. Ps 139:5 “You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me” and verse 10 “…your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast” (NIV) or the NLT says “…your strength will support me”

No matter where we are, God is right there with us. He is taking care of me, guiding me, and supporting me and holding me. And He’s doing the same thing for you today. He is faithful.

To listen to Erik Nieder’s song “Faithful” on YouTube click below.

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