Encouragement,  Focusing on Truth

Everyone Has a Story: The Power of Asking and Truly Wanting to Know

Being intentional with the people you meet…

I was eating at a restaurant after a powerful conference this weekend where God moved in my life and heart and so many other people’s. A weekend of hearing, responding, receiving.

We chose to bless the server with a larger tip, and I felt led to say some words to her about God and how He loves her and knows the circumstances of her life and cares about her or write a note to her with similar words.

The timing felt odd. It felt awkward. To go up to her after paying already at the table. To go up to her, get her attention, and say “Hey This goes with your tip” and hand her the note I had written.

But I chose obedience, albeit with trepidation and feeling a bit uncomfortable. She said thank you so much I appreciate it.

What happened next was the Lord.

I told her as I put my hand on her shoulder, “God sees you. He cares about you. He knows about whatever life circumstances that are going on in your life and He cares about you” She deeply appreciated it. It was evident.

She asked if she could hug me, and we hugged.

I then asked her a bold question I don’t ask a stranger.

I asked her “What is going on in your life?”

I’ll never forget.

She shared she was a single mom working more hours trying to make some more money. Her little guy was almost 2.

My view of her changed even more in that moment, and I understood. I got to see & understand a glimpse of the why behind what God was asking me to do.

She said she was going through therapy. I said I am going through therapy too.

I shared with her about my church, a bit about the conference I went to, and how to listen to the sermons and what they have done in my own life and heart. How they have changed me, affected me. That it was real.

And so, I ask you, friend, what person in your life is the Lord calling you to truly see? To pause and connect with and care for. To bless in whatever way you feel led to. To tell about God. The God who sees. The God who cares. The God who knows all about them already.

He is waiting for you to come and be with Him, and to sit and be with others, showing His love to a hurting world.

I was blessed beyond measure in getting to bless this server in the midst of her own difficult life circumstances, the details of her life God knowing. We would have both missed out if I hadn’t humbled myself and said “Okay God I’ll do it though I feel trepidation and uncertainty about approaching her.”

It was a God moment. A moment ordained by the Lord to enter into the life of another and be used by Him. To bless, encourage, and show love to this woman as she worked a double shift, a long shift, to care for and provide for her little guy at home.

How can I and you bless those people around us today and this week? May we not be so busy, so hurried, that we miss it.

Be encouraged today friends!

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