Encouragement,  Fighting for Joy,  Focusing on Truth,  Love,  Prayer,  Resting In Peace

God’s Unfailing Love & Goodness in My Life

But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation.

I will sing the Lord’s praise,
for he has been good to me

(Psalm 13:5-6) These words wash over me. I trust in your unfailing love. The truth of them settles in my heart.

Unfailing love— meaning not running out, doesn’t give up, secure love, never leaving love. I am comforted. Quieted in my spirit. A calm peace settles as I begin to have knowledge of what it means.

“I trust in your unfailing love”… I choose to depend on you, God. You can be counted on. You will always show up. You will be there for me, loving me, caring for me. Wow.

I choose to rejoice. I rejoice in what you have done God in saving me- the salvation you so freely give to those who ask, who seek you. My salvation that only comes through your mighty power, not through anything I do beyond accepting your gift of salvation.

I am thankful and find joy in that truth! I delight in you giving me life abundantly God. Thank you for saving me.

“I will sing the Lord’s praise for He has been good to me.” Words of praise to God bubble up. Worship. Words of Thanksgiving. Words that remind me of where to focus and set my mind on, God’s unfailing love, as the first verse states.

I shift my focus to His goodness in my life. How has He been good to me? In what ways has He shown Himself gracious and giving, caring and compassionate, bestowing beauty and goodness upon me? It’s all around me. I see it in the faces of my children- such wondrous gifts of life to raise and care for and know. I see it in the face of my husband- and all that we have battled together, with the waves of redemption and goodness flowing in the midst.

God’s Goodness. Not man’s empty striving in all of it. So many blessings surround me if I have eyes to see and pause to reflect. God’s gifts of goodness in my life-

From God- the bestower of life and truth and goodness.

Thank you God for loving me, saving me and not stopping there but graciously lavishing goodness upon goodness in my life. Life is hard. And weary. And my strength fails me. But you God are eternal with unfailing love. You are the renewer of strength and the bestower of beauty in my life. I am humbled and grateful.

Let me walk in your ways and gaze upon what you are doing Father. Let my eye sight be an eternal one, beyond earthly one, to see and join into what you are doing in the lives of others all around me.

And so, friend, I ask you, How has God been good and gracious in your own life? Do you see the blessings? They are present if you stop and begin to consider what goodness is present in your life. They can be big things but can also be the most simplest of things also- a hot cup of coffee, a beautiful sunrise, the laughter of shared fun, a peaceful walk, the tweeting of birds saying spring has come…

Be blessed today friends!

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