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In the Midst of Your Battle, God Sees You & Is Near

What battle are you struggling in friend? God knows it. And he cares about you.

In the midst of whatever you are walking through.

Whether anyone knows the pain you carry or the storm that you are in.

God does.

You are not alone.

God is with you and will help you through the midst of it.

Why do I know? How can I be sure?

Well, friend, it’s because God carried me through deeply, painful and difficult seasons in my own life where I couldn’t see the end in sight, but God was there carrying me, guiding me, bringing peace to my heart day by day.

God is the One who brings beauty from trouble and redemption from brokenness.

He brings healing. He brings peace. He brings hope.

Who needs to hear that today?

Who needs to know that you aren’t alone and God cares for you?

You aren’t alone.

Friend, He cares about you. And He’s right there with you.

I have seen the Lord’s mighty power on display in my own life. I have seen His miraculous workings with my own eyes and I have seen His restoring and putting back together what was broken and felt hopeless. It is a slow and gracious process.

I have seen His working in the hearts of others who were bound by addiction and mental health disease. I have seen God bring hope and His presence into the midst of those situations and bring freedom and light.

I have seen God bring healing. Bring a new life, a new way to walk. To walk in hope, and with God by their side, and God behind and before them, hemming them in & guiding them, helping them.

Yes, truly, I have seen God’s mighty power on display in my own life. I am grateful. And if He showed mightily in my own life, guess what—- He can show up mightily in yours too. Believe, and do not doubt. Call on His name.

Psalm 46: 1-3 states:

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble.

Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.”

God is waiting for you to call upon His name for His help. He is right there with you and wants to be close and near to you. He also respects you and waits for your initiative.

Those who draw near to God, He draws near to (James 4:8a).

The full verse for James 4:8 in the Message Translation says it so interestingly

“So let God work his will in you. Yell a loud no to the Devil and watch him make himself scarce. Say a quiet yes to God and he’ll be there in no time. Quit dabbling in sin. Purify your inner life. Quit playing the field. Hit bottom, and cry your eyes out. The fun and games are over. Get serious, really serious. Get down on your knees before the Master; it’s the only way you’ll get on your feet.”

“It’s the only way you’ll get on your feet.” Wow. That’s powerful.

Don’t continue in your battle alone, friend. Call to God. It may feel weird to talk to Him, but know that He’s been waiting for you this whole time. Waiting for you.

He is near to the broken-hearted and the crushed in Spirit.

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

Psalm 34:18

He is near friend. He is close to you right now if you are dealing with a broken heart or your spirit feels crushed and weighty.

He cares greatly for you and is with you. The verses before and after verse 18 (the context) talk about the Lord hearing a righteous person. Well, friend, a righteous person is one who seeks after God and changes their thinking to be aligned with God’s. Yes, they have sinned. They repent of their sin and what was before and they turn toward God and begin to align their thinking and life with Him. They begin to walk with God, allowing Him to illuminate their heart, their path and decisions, and ultimately, their life.

If you haven’t turned towards God yet friend, let me ask this,

Isn’t it time to stop fighting all your battles alone, stop fighting them in your own strength?

God is merciful and He is mighty. And He loves with full and perfect love, like no human can….

Listen to this song “See The Light” by Toby Mac & be encouraged right where you are today:

“I know this road is gettin’ hard
I heard you say it’s overwhelming
I said I’d never be too far
And I meant that from the heart

I see the mountain gettin’ higher
I see it stackin’ up against you
I always said you were a fighter
But you’ve got your doubts tonight”

“But I’m here to remind you
It don’t matter where you come from
I know we can get through this
It might feel it’s been so long
But we keep on keepin’ on (keepin’ on)
It might feel like an uphill climb
Always some kind of battle (battle)
But you got more than you on your side

And we gon’ see the light (see the light)
We gon’ see the light (see the light)
We gon’ see the light (see the light)
You and me, yeah, you and me
We gon’ see the light”

“See the Light” by Toby Mac

Make sure to click on the link right above to listen to the song and dance and sing with it.

Let the words wash over you,

The truth of the words settle in your soul.

Close your eyes as you listen.

And let the words connect with the difficult & heavy places in your life and in your heart. Those burdens you’ve been trying to carry but can’t. Lay them in the capable and strong hands of a loving Father.

Allow yourself to see the light ahead, we are going to see the light (“We gon see the light” as the song says)

There is hope. And his name is Jesus.

Be blessed today friends! Make sure to follow me:

@choosejoyinthemidst on Instagram and TikTok. @choosejoyinthemidst1 on Facebook.

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  • Josh

    Great post and very uplifting message. Toby Mac’s song is a great reminder that we don’t fight alone. Toby lost his firstborn son to an accidental overdose–his music and lyrics aren’t simply chosen for their melodic flair. He has walked through the immense battles of addiction and loss, yet has an inexplicable peace that remains steadfast only because of the hope found in Christ. I see lyrics like this through a new lens in light of his testimony as God has granted him joy in the midst of his darkest moments, just as your post reminds us.

    • Choose Joy In the Midst

      Wow- I did not know that part of Toby Mac’s story. You are right- That definitely lends a different perspective in listening to his lyrics. It gives a deeper impact for you know he has walked through such tragedy and heartache himself and sings from the experiential knowledge of that pain and grief. He looks to the only One we can find Hope in… and His name is Jesus (like I said at the end of my own writing). Thank you again for your comment and insight. It is greatly appreciated!

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