Caregiving,  Encouragement,  Faith,  Focusing on Truth,  Life Battles,  Matthew,  Pursuing health and wholeness,  sacrificial love

For the Caregiver: God Sees You, Strengthens You, & Helps You

For those who are weary today in their caregiving, no matter the battle or medical issue they are walking through, let me remind you— God sees you. God cares for you. He will give you renewed strength as you continue in the battle you are facing.

Let me, now, share a truth the Lord gave to me as I considered all the caregiving I have done…

Caregiving is not a reciprocal act.

It is an act done in deep sacrificial love without expectation of return on the investment.

To caregive is to be asked to love like Jesus did— love without return.

Jesus does not expect anything back in return for his deep sacrificial love for us, His laying down of His life for us. His is a love without qualifiers,

May I not wish for giving back from others. May I give out of a heart of service and perfect love like Jesus did. May I become more like Him through my thoughts and actions.

May He sanctify me through the work that I do.

May I never hold back in giving because I may not get something back in return. May I give freely, because God has given freely to me. (Mt. 10:8b) May I be wise in my giving and not careless, listening to the Lord as to where He desires me to give, where He desires me to serve, and where He desires me to use my talents, time, and efforts to be best used for His glory.

May I not think I know the best way forward myself but always lean into His leading, His purposes, His guidance.

Help me Lord to take off any selfish ambition, even in the most sacrificial of giving and love, and empty myself of me… and what hinders me in running the race you are clearly laying out before one step at a time… not necessarily so clearly that I myself see the path fully ahead, but that I step out in faith, believing that you will guide me. I know you will show me and reveal the next step and action I am to take on your behalf Lord as I follow in obedience, faith, and trust in you.

While I am uncertain and not fully comfortable in the stretching and growing that is taking place, but I am trusting the One who is Certain and Rock steady.

You are the One who grows me and leads me to good things. Thank you for leading us to streams of living water & your restoration, your rest, Lord so we can continue to pour out in caregiving. Thank you Jesus for caregiving for me in such tender ways so that I can caregive like you, aspiring to caregive and love as you love- perfect, sacrificially, without expectation of anything in return.

A high and holy calling.

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