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God sits with you in your pain.

Hey friend- You know that thing that’s causing you heartache, pain, fear, anxiety, or questioning… God sits with you in the midst of it. He truly does.

It doesn’t mean the hard thing in your life will be resolved or magically gone, but He will supply the strength you need to walk through it as you rely on Him.
Psalm 34:18 says “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

God deeply cares about and is drawn to those who are hurting to come alongside in compassion and kindness. Jesus, Himself, walked through excruciating suffering when He was on this earth. He experientially understands. God comes alongside your difficult circumstances and painful seasons. He cares for you, guiding you, & holding you. Will you tell Him about your heartache, about your pain, about your struggles? Will you let Him in so you can begin to fight them together? You are not alone friend— no matter how you feel.
Also, I want to say that if you are in an abusive relationship, God can lead you out of that and give you the strength and courage to not stay, but leave & walk into freedom. He provides for the birds of the air and cares about them. How much more will he care for you friend in whatever you are walking through right now, today? He draws near to those who are brokenhearted & crushed in spirit. He sits with you in your pain.
I don’t know about you, but considering that truth is deeply encouraging & comforting to me. To know that the God of the universe cares deeply about my struggles and about my life.
Be blessed today friend! Let me know how this encourages you— Share a comment. #truthoftheday #pain #fear #anxiety

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