Encouragement,  Hope in God,  Prayer,  spiritual warfare

Spiritual Battle- No Weapon Will Prosper.

Spiritual battle is real. Over this last week our family has been hit with spiritual battles— multiple ones. It is not new for us to be hit with spiritual attacks. Satan has the same playbook- and keeps hitting hard to back us down from what God is calling us to, but those who are God’s people have a promise found in Isaiah 54:17a.

No weapon formed against you shall prosper.

No weapon formed against me will prosper. God fights my battles. He is sovereign over all. The verse leading up to this one shows that God is the creator over the one who comes at you to attack you as well. God is sovereign over all. God does not desire evil to prosper. That is why He sent Jesus to the earth- to make an ultimate way to overcome evil and sin and death. To give a way for eternal life to people who choose Jesus.

God is more than able to protect and care for His people— to watch over the righteous. To not allow the weapons formed against them to prosper— meaning not allowing those attacks to continue long term. To prosper.

It doesn’t mean those attacks won’t come… Our child had seizures this weekend after no seizures for 3 years. An attack against us and against our child. Among many other different attacks this last week… Right at the same time we are on the verge of launching a study we are leading together to help many. Many have signed up. Satan doesn’t want the freedom and spiritual growth to occur from our study. Spiritual attacks will come, and I recognize them when they come. It doesn’t mean they are easy to face though.

I have found an interesting connection though. Spiritual attacks often increase when you are on the verge of a spiritual victory or spiritual breakthrough.

Think about that for a moment. If you give in to the attack or give up or don’t recognize it for what it is and start fighting back with spiritual weapons, you may never reach the spiritual victory God is leading you toward. Or— it may just take longer to get there. If you are needing spiritual weapons, head over to Ephesians 6.

We are told in the New Testament that suffering will come. But— God is sovereign, and He wins in the end.

Friend— I can stand in God’s truth and His strength to fight against the attacks of the devil against my life and against my family. No weapon formed against me will prosper. No weapon will flourish. No weapon will continue long term. Let it be so Lord.

Friend— pray over your own battle right now alongside me: “Lord let it be so. Lord, let no weapon formed against me prosper. Lord watch over. Bring relief. Bring deliverance from the adversity I am facing right now. Heal my children. Protect & watch over my family. Protect my children from the attacks formed against them. Help me stand firm in your strength. Watch over our extended family and all friends who are connected to us. Lord, bring your grace, truth, and light to them. Strengthen each one.

Lord- you are mighty and you are good. Lord— Lift my arms up and push back the tide against me. Lord-you are sovereign. You win. You are the victor, and I stand with you. I am a victor alongside you. Lord help us to not back down but to keep fighting toward what you are calling us to. Give me your courage, Father. Lord break the bondage that is present in people’s lives in Jesus’ name. Give me your strength, Father, to speak your truth. The truth that You desire me to speak.

I trust in your name and call upon you for protection, deliverance, strength, and a leading forth in your name. Help me Father to walk in your truth. To declare and proclaim what you have done, boldly- as you called me to this year. Amen”

“No weapon formed against you will prosper” Silence the accusers and anyone who would come against in judgment to condemn as the verse says. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord.” Thank you Lord for your heritage. I stand in your promise and truth.

If you prayed alongside me, drop a 🙌🙏 in the comments.

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Be blessed friends! Recognize the enemy’s attacks and fight back not in your own strength but in God’s strength. God can fight your battles friends as you stand in His truth and promises for your life.

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