
What I Am Passionate About!

Get to know me! This is me.

Read to the end to hear the premise behind my website: Choose Joy In the Midst!
I am a Physician Assistant turned Caregiver and Advocate. I am passionate about helping others find resilience, strength, & hope after trauma, PTSD, and life storms through God and therapy.
It is possible to be resilient and have hope again. I know this because I have walked through it in my own life. I myself have complex PTSD from multiple and different traumas. I have been a caregiver for my husband’s trauma and PTSD.

What resonates with you from what I shared? I’d love to hear in the comments.

If you aren’t yet signed up for my email newsletter, when you sign up, you will receive a life-giving resource FREE for you—to guide you through the steps to find your mental health therapist
Here’s the signup for it: https://choosejoyinthemidst.myflodesk.com/12stepstofindyouridealtherapist .

If you spend any amount of time with me, you will find I show up authentically, with grace and compassion, to empower you to fight your battles from a place of strength- both through faith in God and psychology.
God + mental health therapy.
I believe both are integral for healing from past hurts and painful circumstances we’ve walked through, to include the healing of trauma.
Also, if you’ve never heard of EMDR therapy, go to http://EMDR.com and read about it. Using EMDR therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing therapy) was life-changing for my trauma and for my husband’s as well.

Friend, in my writing, I will point you to truth- both in the Bible and in psychology, to help you rise up to live your life with resilience, strength, & hope. Hope is so vital to be able to keep fighting toward joy, to choose joy in the midst of whatever circumstances you find yourself in. This is the premise of my blog & website.
Do you struggle with trauma responses, PTSD, or fight or flight responses?
Have you walked through difficult life storms? I think most of us have.
Do you need encouragement and to know you aren’t alone in what you are facing?

Well friend, these are all important struggles close to my heart. I write about them to encourage and empower you in your life. I pray my words bless you and help you in your faith and healing journey.

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Sign up for my email newsletter here: https://choosejoyinthemidst.myflodesk.com/12stepstofindyouridealtherapist

Be Blessed today friends!

~Amber Parker

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