Bible teaching,  Choose Joy,  Choose Joy In the Midst,  Faith,  Fighting for Joy

Strong, Firm, & Steadfast

The end of 1 Peter 5 is rich with words of encouragement and exhortation for weary, persevering believers in Christ. Peter, the apostle, is writing to an audience of believers in Christ, the elect, scattered throughout a region that he names in verse 1:1. We can apply the general truths to ourselves also if we are believers.

“And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.” (I Peter 5:10, NIV).

1 Peter 5:10 says after you have suffered a little while. This phrase denotes there will be suffering. In the previous verse, he talks about fighting against the spiritual attack from the devil and the knowledge that fellow believers in Christ around the world are also going through the same kind of sufferings that we may face. There is an acknowledgment of expecting suffering to enter our life. Anticipating it. Not welcoming it into our life necessarily because it is in fact, suffering, but when it does come, we can find comfort, knowing so many other believers are walking through similar trials. We are not alone in our suffering. In verse 10, it talks about God and how God is a God of all grace. This word grace in the original Greek carries with it the meaning of benefit, favor, blessing, and kindness. I like the idea of a God of all kindness who called the believer to eternal glory in Christ, to eternal salvation and relationship, who then also Himself restores the believer after they have suffered.

God does not leave us alone in our suffering. He comes in and actively restores us after we have suffered a little while. The word restore carries with it in the Greek the meaning of preparing, repairing, training, and growing to maturity. God helps grow us and repair us after we have journeyed through suffering in our life.

Now, we may consider the length of time of our suffering through our finite view as being not a little while. I myself certainly suffered a good deal. Lengthy suffering. I have walked through many seasons of suffering and trial and heartache. From the view of God, though, it really is a little while. It certainly can feel like a very long time, though, as we are walking through it and asking the Lord to bring relief from our current battle.

In the midst of suffering, we can hold onto the hope and the knowledge that God has not forgotten us. There is an end to the suffering. In fact, the verse says the length of time will be a little while. It does not say the suffering will last continuously and forever. So, there is a stopping point to the suffering. We can look ahead in the midst of the suffering and hold onto the knowledge that God, Himself, will restore His believers after they have suffered. He restores them out of his great kindness and grace. In restoring the believer after they suffered, God, then also makes the believer, strong, firm, and steadfast. These words are uplifting to me. A word that comes to mind as I read the 3 words together is stalwart.

The words denote a laying of a foundation. The ESV says to confirm, strengthen, and establish. God makes the believer strong and able to stand their ground. May the Lord restore you after suffering and then make you strong, firm, and steadfast, in order to do mighty works for His glory.

We do not walk through our suffering to stay silent but instead to speak of what the Lord has done in our life and the mighty ways He has moved in our life.

To declare and proclaim boldly. These words come from my word(s) of the year. You can read more on that and the passage of the Bible they come from HERE.

You, yourself, can also share with others what God has done in your life. I encourage you to do so. It will bless and encourage others, friends.

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Also— Here’s a downloadable phone wallpaper for you. Make it a wallpaper and remind yourself that God Himself is the One who can restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast. He is our foundation, the Rock we can stand upon through every trial and struggle.

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