break the stigma,  Choose Joy,  Choose Joy In the Midst,  Mental Health,  Not Alone,  Overcome anxiety & worry,  PTSD,  PTSD,  Pursuing health and wholeness,  Stress response,  Trauma

You Are Not ALONE In Your Battle.

You are not ALONE in your battle.

Do you believe it?

Do you have anyone in your corner, supporting you, coming alongside you in the battle(s) you are facing?

Have you opened up to anyone and shared the silent or secret battle you face?

Have you let anyone in friend?

Do you have someone in your life who feels safe and you can trust to share what you are battling?

I believe community is *vital* to making it through the battles we face. Safe, trustworthy, confidential, supportive community.

Did you know “there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). This is talking about Jesus. Jesus is that friend. Jesus doesn’t shy away from our pain, adversity, & suffering. He draws near to us. He wants relationship with us. He cares deeply for us and the battles we face.

I can say this because I have walked through deep sorrow and heartache and while I had the support of trusted, safe community, Jesus is the One who carried me.

Jesus is the One who gave me strength. Who renewed me when I was poured out. He, Himself, walked through excruciating suffering, friends. Jesus gets it. He understands your pain.

I gently encourage you to try it out— To not fight your battle on your own but invite Jesus in to walk alongside you. Tell Him about it.

Also, find trusted people and let them into your battle. This is incredibly important. It can be scary. It is vulnerable. But it is vital.

You are not alone in your battle friend. Jesus is there waiting for you to talk to Him. If you don’t have community, find a group of people in your community to be with. It may take time to know if someone is trustworthy, but I assure you if you keep looking, you will find someone. I find my trusted, safe people through small group at church.

Comment Yes! if you agree with this truth. I would love to hear more of how it resonated with you. Do you have community and trusted, safe people in your life?

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