Choose Joy,  Choose Joy In the Midst,  Encouragement

Stop Fighting Fear by Sheer Willpower; Instead Do This.

“Willing ourselves to stop fearing and then shaming ourselves when we do is not the way forward.” -Amber Jeann Parker

Can I get an Amen?

I believe that consuming fear, a spirit of fear, is from the enemy of your soul, from Satan. It’s one of his plans to take you down, friend.

We don’t have the power to fully get rid of it on our own though- through our own sheer willpower.
God is the One who can help us though.

God is the One who can change and transform us.
He gives us His Spirit. His Spirit brings life & peace.

Can I tell you— Feeling shame for having fear is not from God. God is not about just trying harder and dismissing your emotions. God is a God of grace and truth. His love casts out fear.

Let’s take a look at the key verse for this discussion: “For God has not given us a spirit of Fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7, NKJV).

As the verse indicates, God gives a Spirit of power, a Spirit of love, and a Spirit of a sound mind. He is a God of calm and of goodness.

We can turn to God and tell Him what we are struggling with, what fears we are fighting, bring them to Him, and ask for Him to fill us with more of Himself, to fill us with His truth, His power, His love, and a sound mind.

Even if you’ve never talked to God before, He will hear you because He cares deeply about you and your life.

“Casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7, ESV)
Oh how I am thankful for how God cares for us.
If you want to be bold, share in the comments what you are afraid of or write it down. Then, talk to God about it.

With God’s help, we can overcome a spirit of fear.

Often, mental health therapy is needed as well to break down negative thought patterns or process through emotional pain or past trauma.

I highly recommend EMDR therapy with an integrated cognitive therapy added.

God’s power plus psychotherapy (preferably EMDR), is powerful for healing.

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You are not alone, friend, in your battles or in your fears.

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