
A Prayer For a Miracle- a Reprieve… In the Storm.

A Prayer For a Miracle- a Reprieve. In the Storm.

Lord we come to you and ask for a miracle… for a reprieve in the midst of the hard.  

We ask for a miracle in the life of so many right now who are grieving, who are hurting, who are sick, who are crying out for a yes answer from you.

God, you are sovereign. You are over All. 

We know this. And we come to you asking for a miracle in so many people’s current circumstances, of sickness, death, and hardship. 

We know you are mighty, and we know that you have the power to do what we ask. Please, allow it to be your will. 

Turn your ear to me, oh Lord. Hear the cry of your humble servant. Be gracious toward me, Oh God. In your loving mercy, answer me.

Turn the tide. We call out to you believing you will. 

And if the storm will not stop, we ask Father for a reprieve. To allow rest and strength from you in the midst of the storm. A cleft to hide for a little while from it, if it will not relent.

Increase our faith. Increase our trust. In you. 

Oh Lord our God.

You are mighty. You are powerful. And we do trust in you. Amen.

I wrote the above prayer the day after Christmas when my heart was moved with compassion in knowing so many people’s hardships presently and knowing my own hardship right now as well. May you pray it over your life also and be blessed today, friend.

For more encouragement, open to the Psalms and find solace in the honesty and depth found in those words. 

Here are a few verses to meditate on… 

Psalms 147:3 “He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds.” 

Psalms 145:18 “The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” 

Psalm 91:1 “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” 

Psalm 119:114 “Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word”

Feel free to read the full chapters in your Bible for context & further understanding. You can also look them up from your phone or computer if you don’t have a Bible. 🙂

Be encouraged today, friends, in your current storm or trial. God is near. He loves you and cares about you, just as He does me.



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