Christine Caine,  Christmas,  Faith,  Fear,  Holidays,  Hope in God,  how to decrease fear,  Jesus,  Mary,  Mental Health,  Peace,  Prayer

An Even If Faith- Mary the Mother of Jesus

I heard a message by Christine Caine, a Christian speaker and author, on Mary the mother of Jesus.

“She had to replace her what if with an even if faith.”
Her words regarding Mary’s response to the God assignment she was given were powerful.

“An Even If faith dispels fear.” These words penetrated my soul as I considered them. Shifting what if this happens or that person responds in that way, etc, etc, to even if this happens God is still on His throne. God is still fighting my battles. God is still the One I worship and choose.

Oh how thankful I am for that truth.

A Prayer of Focus & Faith

Lord- help me to pivot my worries and fears and put them back upon you- to let my focus be on You and who You are rather than the circumstance or person my mind keeps shifting to ruminate upon or fix in my own understanding. Help me lean on your understanding, your truth, your peace to illuminate my soul and guard my heart with your peace.

Help me place my faith in you Lord. You are mighty and You are good. You are still working in my life and working for my good. Thank you for continuing to work in my life, in my circumstances, no matter how dire, no matter how desperate, no matter how concerning. You are there- offering your presence and your goodness. Amen.

Faith Reflection

Friends- What do you need God, Emmanuel, to come into the middle of & redeem, restore, & infuse His presence into?

Do you have a God assignment? I’d love to hear it if you want to share it in the comments.

I do— I have a God assignment, and I was so blessed by this word from Christine Caine. You can listen to it over on Instagram. I shared it in my posts and my story. The link is at the end of this post.

It encouraged and uplifted me as I continue to persevere in sharing the message I’ve been called to share on faith and psychology integration for trauma and emotional healing, on suicide prevention and awareness, and on support for the caregiver and acknowledging their powerful and necessary role.
They need support too.

New Book- for the Caregiver of Mental Crisis

Make sure to get on my email newsletter if you haven’t yet and receive a free resource from me. I’m writing a book for the caregiver of mental crisis to be published in 2025. You can get on my Book Interest Waitlist if you believe in the message and want to share about it with others. The caregiver needs support and to be seen. Help me get the message out.

You are not alone in your battle, friend.

If you need a tangible reminder of that truth, grab a truth-infused item at my shop: Beautiful Truth Design at . There are mugs, journals, and t-shirts to empower you in your current battle and everyday life.

Here’s the Instagram link to Christine Caine’s video on my @choosejoyinthemidst profile for you to watch her powerful words also.

Be Blessed friends,


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