Encouragement,  Fighting for Joy,  Focusing on Truth,  Resting In Peace

Ascribe to the Lord Glory & Rest in His Peace!

“Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name.”

Place God in the rightful place in your life.

Friend- Are you ascribing/giving to God His due glory? The glory not just that He deserves, But the glory that He is owed from us. He is to be reveled in, to be awe-inspired by. The work of His hands, the awesome nature before us. His handiwork.

“The heavens declare the glory of God.” (Psalm 19:1)

The word glory in Psalm 29 and Psalm 19 denotes the idea of splendor and weighty importance. This is what we are to ascribe or give to God.

Psalm 29 is a declaration of placing God in the rightful position He is to have in one’s life- a position of full honor and holiness.

It takes conscious intention to place Him there in your life, in your mind, in your heart.

It is the position that God deserves and requires based on His character qualities (on who He is).

His strength and glory are on full display through creation and acts of nature. In observing and meditating on it, it causes worship to well up within us. Awe-inspiring worship. To praise God for who He is and all of His character attributes. His holiness. His full strength. His glory.

It brings peace and thankfulness into the heart of the worshipper.

To reflect on who God is moves me to reflect on who He is in my life and how He loves and cares for me—How He is faithful to me. It is a natural flow to be in His creation and bask in the wonder of it and be in awe of the One who made it… And in turn, turn it back to praise and a deeper renewed peace and steadiness of One’s own heart.

Stop the busyness of life, slow down, and take time to observe and see nature and commune with the living God in these moments- connecting with Him and allowing His peace to flood your heart and mind in whatever life circumstances you find yourself in today, right now. God is worthy of our praise. He can be trusted. He is never changing which means we can rely on Him no matter what and hold onto the truths of who He is.

Rest in His attributes and in His peace today friend. I am consciously working to do the same- meditating on Him, being in His creation, and allowing room for peace to be present today.

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