Encouragement,  Fighting for Joy

Be strong & take heart & wait for the Lord!

Regardless of what you have walked through in your life, regardless of the mess, the hurt, the pain, the heartache, the betrayal, the loss, the grief, the weariness, the health issues… whatever it is…

Know this: We can Still. Be. Confident. Of this… “I am still confident of this- I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:13-14.

The psalmist has seen his share of trials and yet, he is unwavering in the knowledge that he can trust in the Lord. He can lean on the Lord’s mighty power and trust in Him. God has not forgotten the psalmist. God has not forgotten you or me.

We can be confident and trust in the Lord, trust in His plans and in His leading and trust in His timing to work all things out. God still has good things in store. They are coming. Trust. Wait. And be looking on the horizon for God’s goodness to shine in your life as you lean into Him for truth, leading, and hope.

Be encouraged today friends. God’s not done with you or your story nor is He done with mine. I’m thankful in that truth today.

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