- Break the Stigma, Mental Health, Mental Health Advocate, Mental Health Caregiver, Military Topics, PTSD, Suicidality, Suicide Awareness, Suicide Prevention, Suicide Statistics, Veteran health, Veterans
17.5 is the Number of Veteran Suicide Deaths a day in the U.S. & We Must Change what We are Doing to Make a Difference.
17.5 a day is too many.* Statistics: The Number of Veterans who Die by Suicide Daily 17.5 is the number of veterans who died by suicide each day in 2021.* 6,392 U.S. veterans total died by suicide in 2021.* When adjusted, the suicide mortality rate of veterans is still higher than what is observed in the non-Veteran population.* When adjusted for age and sex-subspecific suicide rates in the non-Veteran population, the % of Veterans dying by suicide is 12.4% higher than what would have been observed.* 12.4% more suicide deaths for Veterans than suicide deaths in the general population.* That is significant. All deaths by suicide are tragedies and leave…
- Anxiety, Anxiety tips and tricks, Caregiving, Coping strategies, Fear, how to decrease fear, Medical diagnosis, Mental Health, PTSD, Pursuing health and wholeness, Trauma, Truth
How to Deal With Fear & Anxiety Part 1- Do Life With Fear Alongside
Fear and anxiety can be ever present with us, but I learned a powerful truth about fear as I walked thru caregiving for a life-threatening diagnosis for my child. I have a powerful truth for you to hold onto in the midst of difficulty and fear. Grab these 2 free powerful printables- just for you- 2 FREE 8.5 x 11 Printables- To Empower & Encourage You. You will also get on my email newsletter which you don’t want to miss. Stick around to see part 2 of Fear & Anxiety. I learned how to live life with fear alongside.And it was empowering & life-changing for me. “Live life with fear…
- Choose Joy In the Midst, Coping strategies, EMDR, Fight or Flight Response, Mental Health, Not Alone, PTSD, Pursuing health and wholeness, Stress response, therapy, Trauma
How Can You Decrease Your PTSD or Trauma Response? It is, in fact, Possible.
You Don’t Have to Be Stuck in Your PTSD or Trauma Response. There are ways to decrease and dial down the response in the moment friend. There is hope. The intensity of your responses to trauma can be dialed down. How? The first step is self-awareness. Being aware of what is occurring and what specific things trigger you. (A trigger is something associated with the trauma memory. A trigger is not something you choose, but something your amygdala has connected to the trauma. An object, a similar situation, a sound, a smell, etc.) I know it’s likely not something you want to think about or focus on because avoidance of…
- Choose Joy, Choose Joy In the Midst, Coping strategies, Fight or Flight Response, Mental Health, PTSD, Pursuing health and wholeness, Stress response, Trauma
Choose Joy In the Midst of PTSD & Trauma Responses
You may be wondering how on earth can both phrases “Choose Joy In the Midst” and “PTSD and Trauma Responses” be connected? I believe we *can* in fact find Joy and choose joy in the midst of very difficult trauma responses we face. We can choose joy and fight for goodness in our lives by pursuing healing and finding ways to positively cope and decrease our trauma responses. Read on, friend. PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) can ensue from trauma and cause your body to go into a fight or flight response when switched on (or triggered) by something that reminds you of that traumatic event. ➡️ Triggers can be…
- Breathing technique, calming techniques, Coping strategies, Fight or Flight Response, Mental Health, PTSD, Pursuing health and wholeness, Stress response, Trauma
Use Breathing To Regulate Your Nervous System & Decrease Your Stress
Using our breath to help decrease our stress in the moment is incredibly helpful and important. Follow the prompts in this picture. Breathe in for a count of 3. Hold for 3. Breathe out for a count of 3. The breathing out slowly helps brings online the parasympathetic system (to rest & calm & settle the body & nervous system). This technique has a name called: Boxed breathing- a technique of breathing in for 3 seconds, holding for 3 seconds, and exhaling slowly for 3 seconds helps regulate anxiousness or triggered moments, stressful moments. You can do it multiple times as long as you don’t get lightheaded. I also strongly…
- break the stigma, Choose Joy, Choose Joy In the Midst, Mental Health, Not Alone, Overcome anxiety & worry, PTSD, PTSD, Pursuing health and wholeness, Stress response, Trauma
You Are Not ALONE In Your Battle.
You are not ALONE in your battle. Do you believe it? Do you have anyone in your corner, supporting you, coming alongside you in the battle(s) you are facing? Have you opened up to anyone and shared the silent or secret battle you face? Have you let anyone in friend? Do you have someone in your life who feels safe and you can trust to share what you are battling? I believe community is *vital* to making it through the battles we face. Safe, trustworthy, confidential, supportive community. Did you know “there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). This is talking about Jesus. Jesus is…