Choose Joy In the Midst
WELCOME TO MY BLOG, FRIEND! You are not here by accident. You are here for a reason… That reason is to find purpose and meaning and *JOY* in the midst of life’s battles and upsets, losses and heartache. It is to pursue *JOY* and *PEACE* in your life in the midst of the good times too.
It is to keep fighting… to *CHOOSE* to rise up and not be overtaken by the darkness. It is to eke out joy and purpose and hope bit by bit when life seems dismal, and you are exhausted and weary.
I’ve been there over and over again in my life. I’m sure you’ve been there too… BUT, there is hope. You don’t have to do it on your own. My only way of making it through many difficult diagnoses, facing death and loss multiple times, and many other difficult things has been to make a choice…
A choice to not be overtaken by it, to cling to Christ for my hope and strength. To find joy and purpose in Him. To pray for healing. To fight for my family’s health and not give up. To walk through the battle of fear and anxiety but not allow it to rule me. To choose joy in the midst of the difficult hard things has been to hold onto and remind myself of God’s promises and truths in the midst… in order to have strength, to have purpose, to have hope, to have joy.
As Romans 5: 3b-5 says, “…tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and HOPE DOES NOT DISAPPOINT, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” (NASB, emphasis mine)
We can continue to persevere, to fight… through the difficult, hard things in life, and in so doing– produce character and then have hope because of God’s deep love for us and the Holy Spirit’s comforting of us, especially in the midst of deep suffering and pain in our lives…
And thereby, we can find *JOY* in the midst.
It is a choice, and for me it is the only one that brings~ LIFE.
Jennifer Rufatto
Thank you for sharing your words. I am excited to go on this journey with you and be inspired by God’s work through you.
Choose Joy In the Midst
Thank you for your encouraging words and support! I really appreciate it.
Donna Jane Hudson
Praying you through this journey and thanking you for stepping out and sharing your “joy” story!
Choose Joy In the Midst
I’m so glad you are blessed by it! Thank you for your support and prayers- They are meaningful!