Choose Joy,  Choose Joy In the Midst,  Coping strategies,  Fight or Flight Response,  Mental Health,  PTSD,  Pursuing health and wholeness,  Stress response,  Trauma

Choose Joy In the Midst of PTSD & Trauma Responses

You may be wondering how on earth can both phrases “Choose Joy In the Midst” and “PTSD and Trauma Responses” be connected?

I believe we *can* in fact find Joy and choose joy in the midst of very difficult trauma responses we face. We can choose joy and fight for goodness in our lives by pursuing healing and finding ways to positively cope and decrease our trauma responses. Read on, friend.

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) can ensue from trauma and cause your body to go into a fight or flight response when switched on (or triggered) by something that reminds you of that traumatic event.

➡️ Triggers can be those unsuspecting moments that switch the amygdala to “on”, those deja vu moments or circumstances or words that immediately make you feel like you are back in that dangerous moment, and your body jumps into protective mode, whether a real danger is present or not.
A trigger can be a smell, a sound, or something else connected to your 5 senses. It can be an item that is connected in your mind to that trauma.

There is hope though. You don’t have to remain stuck in responses to trauma.
Read more on my article “Trauma, PTSD, & the Amygdala” Here:

Download the “Fight or Flight Guidebook” Here. It helps you identify your triggers so you are not stuck in your responses but can begin to take back control.
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