Encouragement,  Fighting for Joy,  Focusing on Truth,  Prayer,  Resting In Peace

Focusing on God’s Approval & Priorities- A Reordering of Life

Lord help me to be your servant and seek out first what you desire and what honors you in my life.

To live for people’s wants or desires or asks or needs and have that be the focus is not deeply fulfilling or eternally purposeful for it is placing people in the place where only You should be. To care for the people in our life out of the heart of seeking Your desires and Your priorities in those relationships is to reorder everything to the right places. God, when you are first, the decisions of life more easily settle into their places.

Help my ear be attuned to what You would say, to what Your heart desires are, to how You lead. When I live my life with You first-most, even the mundane tasks of life begin to take on purpose too.

I do not live to work and to hustle and to accomplish everything.

I instead live looking to what are the most needed priorities to accomplish today, and give space for You to move in the midst of my day- leading me, helping me see the God moments that you have ordained- the moments with my children, with my husband, with friends, with family, with acquaintances, with strangers… To see which moments You are leading me to, helping me in.

Lord, help me lay down the cares of what people may think of me, perceive about me- whether good or negative or even true.

Help me know who I am in You and walk confidently in that truth, not getting distracted by people pleasing or performing for the approval of others’ in my life- no matter who they are or what significant role they have- in their job, in their influence, or in their position in my life. You desire a different way, a different trajectory for the people who are yours, a different ordering of life and focus.

Guide me in the way of serving You Lord and honoring You with my day full of big and little decisions. Help me know which ones truly are the most important- in Your eyes, not through my human understanding, but through Your eternal, ever-wise, sovereign, perfect eyes.

Help me to rejoice in seeking out joy moments for my little family and lean into the difficult moments with grace and forbearance- with your strength and your truth- leading others also to lift their eyes up to You, considering what You would have as best in their life too. Help me walk humbly in this Lord. Amen.

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