Encouragement,  Focusing on Truth

God has redeemed you, fights for you, & calls you by your name!

Do not fear for I have redeemed you. You are mine. I will be with you. When you walk through difficult and dangerous situations, I will protect you. I am the Lord your God. Your Savior. You are precious and honored in my sight. I love you. Because of that, I will fight for you if you are taken or in trouble and go to every length to bring you back.

As you read these bits of this passage from Isaiah 43, I hope you, like me, can’t help but be struck by how comforting and safe these words feel. That the God of the universe, the one who created me as the chapter starts off, cares deeply about me. He fights for me. He will do whatever it takes to bring me back if I’m in danger. He will cover me and be present with me and protect me in the darkest times and most difficult moments. He has redeemed me. I can walk in freedom because of Him! He knows me intimately and calls me by my name. The tender love and fierce protection and care for His people is evident in this passage.

What trials, painful situations, difficult circumstances, fearful moments, or angst are you walking through today? God is present with you in the midst of it as He is present with me. Grab ahold of the promises found in Isaiah 43 today and remind yourself of the truth about your God. You are precious and honored in His sight. I am precious and honored in His sight. And He loves me. And He loves you. And He will fight for each of us. Amen.


  • Carrie Petersen

    This resonates with me. What stood out to me is that He has redeemed me. This starts with His amazing rescue, we are all bought with a price. But He doesn’t stop there, He keeps fighting for me, often in battles I don’t see with enemies I don’t even know are there.
    Thank you for the reminder of this powerful word.

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