Encouragement,  Focusing on Truth

God Is In Control- Do Not Fear & Stay Humble- Part 1 of Humility Series

In Psalms 27:1, it says:

“The Lord is my light and my salvation—

Whom shall I fear?

The Lord is the stronghold of my life—

Of whom shall I be afraid?”

The psalmist identifies who the Lord is in their life- their light. Their salvation. The one who saves them. The one who illuminates their path and their direction and way to go.

So, if that is who the Lord is, then how could they fear any human? Any person on the earth? Why would they fear what another person could do? If they truly knew to their core belief, their core identity, that God is the one who is in control- who saves them and brings light upon their life, why would they fear a man or woman? David was even in danger of death from other people, but he knew that God was the one in control- the stronghold of his life.

I can be guilty of fearing common man/woman. Fearing what others will think of me. Worrying about relationships. Struggling in different conflicts or misunderstandings that come up in human interactions as life occurs. Trying to proceed with the best way to go forward when those issues occur.

To seek wisdom from the Lord, to try to pursue understanding.

Lord, may I and the people in those interactions with me always choose humility. A place of humbleness with which to approach struggles and issues.

Mutual humility and respect of each other.

In Psalm 25:9 it says, “He [The Lord] guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way.”

Lord- I don’t have to go it alone or figure out how to do it on my own. You’ve already gone before me and are waiting to help me and anyone who asks you for help to be guided in what is right and to be taught your ways. Lord- your way is good. I know that. Help me walk in that. Help all of us to look on humility as strength rather than how the world can see it- as weakness. Help us have your eyes to see the best way in interactions, in life. Thank you Lord for how you love us.

Be on the lookout for part 2 on humility.

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Be encouraged today!

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