
God Restores, Redeems, & Renews

God restores, redeems, & renews the broken pieces of your life.

Did you know?

God can restore, redeem, & renew the broken pieces of your life, friend.

The reason I know this to be true is because:

He has been in the business of doing it in my own life.

The things I thought were dead, past hope, broken, & done for…

HE breathed new life into them— He began to re-form them bit by bit.

God breathes new life into what was dead, past hope, broken, & done for.

He began to give new purposes and new direction. Direction & Purpose from Him. “Praise be to God from whom all blessings flow.”

May I have the courage to embrace the new things He is doing in my life. To continue to walk steadfast in those purposes and plans. He gets the glory. He deserves the praise.

He is the One at work in my life— making “a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland” as Isaiah 43:19b states. That verse and the ones surrounding it have been pivotal verses for me in recent years— praying it be so. I’ll share more soon on that so be on the lookout. It is so powerful.

Be blessed today friends!

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