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God’s Perfect Love Casts Out Fear.

Who needs to know today that you are loved perfectly, wonderfully, just as you are today, right now… with your imperfections, your failings, your strengths, your giftings, yourself. All that makes up you. God loves— YOU.

God loves you before you have tried to impress Him, tried to earn love or do something to gain favor. God loved you before the foundation of the world. He already knew you and who you would be (being that He is eternal and outside time), and He loved you with His agape, full, perfect love. A love that is not predicated on what someone will do or not do. A love that can’t be earned or postured for. A sacrificial love.

The word perfect in this verse in I John 4:18 denotes an idea of being mature and complete.

A mature and complete, perfect love. That is the type of love that casts out and removes fear. God’s mature and complete love can remove fear from our life. When we sit in His presence and bask in what His love truly is in our life, we can feel fully safe, fully known, fully cared for… And in that, we can embark on walking, not in fear, but in love.

It doesn’t mean there won’t be hard things in our life, but our eyes and perspective will be on the One who is in control. The One who can calm the waves and the wind and has power over all of creation. God. The One who can calm the storms in our own life too, and bring direction, healing, and peace.

When we place our eyes on Him, the fears lessen for we know the One who is in control and the One who loves us fully and completely, without reserve. My God desires to and “will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:19)

He comes alongside us and lovingly meets our needs— what we truly have need of. Ask Him to supply your needs. Depend on His provision and guidance and help, friend. His love is one to be counted on, to be trusted, to be sure of. His love is constant and steady… His love is perfect for He truly is God. He is the One who calms our fears and casts them away. He brings peace and rest to our souls.

What do you need cast out of your life and heart today friend? What situation or difficulty do you need God’s love to illuminate and shine into? In what do you need His peace and rest to hover over, to cover, for protecting and keeping safe. Rest in His love. Be safe in His arms. He is right there with you through your battles, your heartache, your struggles. He is a good, good Father. He comforts and cares for us so lovingly and gently.

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