Mental Health

How to be Patient In Affliction (Pain & Suffering)

Affliction. It isn’t a word often used today.
The definition is: something that causes pain or suffering.
What are you facing right now causing pain and suffering? Affliction?

What battle are you in?

Are you fighting mental anguish, depression, anxiety, or even thoughts of harm to yourself, suicidal thoughts?

Be patient in affliction. This is not a statement of “do it on your own”.
The words right before are: Be joyful in hope.
The words after: faithful in prayer.

This denotes a dependence on God as we are fighting against the affliction we face.

We look to Him for our hope, the only hope is found in Jesus’. We keep persevering in hope, hope that is not of ourselves, and are patient, continuing to trudge through the battle we face, not alone, but with our eyes on Jesus.

We pray continuously, faithfully, as we do life with the One who cares for us in suffering and trouble.

What battle are you facing friend?

Lean into God. He promises His presence and peace as we go through suffering and affliction. Don’t face it alone.

This month of September is suicide prevention month. Reach out for help if you are struggling.
In the U.S. call 988 for the crisis line.

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➡️Share in the comments what hope or words or truth you are clinging to today.

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