Mental Health

In Need of Rest? Here are A Few Key Strategies to Quickly Bring Calm & Decrease Stress

Life is busy.

With stressors, schedules, and demands.

Take a moment for yourself, friend, to pause & slow down for a moment.

Take a moment to rest.

Here are a few simple but key strategies to bring calm and decrease stress:

First- Get out in nature.

Take a walk or hike.

While you are outside, take notice of what’s around you. Find beauty to enjoy, like beautiful flowers, flowing water or streams, green trees. Listen to the sounds of nature.

Focus on your breathing- Take slow breaths in and out to calm and relax you. Focus on the breathing out especially as that activates your parasympathetic system, initiating relaxation and rest.

Allow your body and mind to have a few moments of rest.

It doesn’t have to be a long time, but it can shift a day, perspective, or help uplift a decreased mood.

It can soothe stress or anxiety you are feeling.

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