Mental Health

Manuscript Update- Over 42,000 words written. Why? Because Reader, you matter.

Writing a manuscript on a subject you have lived out… & choosing to share vulnerably out of your pain and story for your readers to feel seen and find transformation & gain the resources they need… in their battle against trauma and su*icidality for their loved one… is not for the faint of heart.

Caregiving for mental health crisis is a sacred and difficult fight.

I’m 42,199 words in. I’ve been putting countless hours into it.

Last weekend I spent 5 and 1/2 hours editing and reworking Chapter 1. I spent a couple hours the day prior to that reading over and having fresh inspiration for parts of the Introduction and Chapter 1 of my book “Battle Forged & Battle Ready.”

The introduction and chapter 1 are an invitation into a very difficult topic and that requires building trust and getting to know each other a bit. I think you’ll find my Intro to be warm, welcoming, and feel a bit like we are meeting for real, in person. That’s my preference. To enter into the difficult spaces in-person and respectfully with grace, compassion, and some hard won experiential knowledge— to gently come alongside your own difficult places and help you find a safe space to land as you caregive for your loved one.

It is incredibly difficult to write out of your own painful story, and yet, it is also so redeeming to use it for the purpose of helping others stuck in the beginning or middle of where we found ourselves. Trying to make sense of and fight for goodness and for life in the midst of chaos and turmoil… in the midst of combat trauma and the ensuing struggle towards healing.

Fighting against suicidal ideation, intent, or plans while seeking the right treatment for the underlying trauma and the PTSD that wreaked havoc in our home… Fighting for life and healing with all that you have because your loved one matters… It wasn’t easy.

➡️ I know our story isn’t just for us.
It’s for you.
& my husband believes it too.

Have you walked through a painful season or circumstance? Have you fought against mental health crisis?

You are not alone in your battle. So many are fighting in silence and isolation. It should not be so.

If you need to be empowered and encouraged in your battle right now, get on my email newsletter here:

Also, if you need some more encouragement and words right now, read one of these:

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