
May We Be Joyful, Hopeful, Patient, Persevering, Faithful, & Prayerful.

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. [Rom. 12:12]

Let’s focus our mind on this truth, asking God for His help and strength to do so.

I’ve been sitting with this verse and considering its’ truth over this last week. The words and encouragement are empowering, and they resonate with my heart.

I want to be joyful as I wait hopefully and in hope for what God will do and continue to do in my story, in my life, in my circumstances, in any unanswered prayers I am waiting on, waiting in hope.

Let me be joyful as I wait, as I hope. Let me keep focused on God, who is the One to write my story.

May I be patient and persevere under affliction, suffering, or painful seasons.

May God hold each one who is walking in affliction right now. May He hold them in His tender and loving arms, tenderly guide them, allow them rest.

I was challenged and convicted as I read the last one— Be faithful in prayer. I was convicted to take more of my time praying intentionally and specifically, setting aside designated prayer time in my day, each day. God may you continue to lead me in this- I talk to you and ask for your help and speak small conversations with you, but let me be intentional with focused prayer each day for all the needs and struggles and praises of my own and each one surrounding me.

“Let us find refuge in the shadow of God’s wings.” [From “Glorious Ruins” by Hillsong Worship]

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