
New Life & Hope Springing Forth

“See, I am doing a new thing!

Now it springs up; Do you not perceive it?

I am making a way in the wilderness & streams in the wasteland.“

(Isaiah 43:19, NIV).

Friend—What new thing are you seeing spring up in your life?

After the darkness, trials, adversity, and pain—Can you see any goodness in your life?

The glimmer of new things springing forth.

I journeyed through the lengthy darkness of night for so long & God finally brought forth newness and light.


The working of redemption in my life.

It is a continual work, the growing and bringing forth of newness in my life.
The goodness in your life too.

The words “See I am doing a new thing!” are the first part of an amazing passage in the Bible— Where God shares a promise to the Israelites. A promise they clung to for a long time until it finally came to be.
The next part of the passage is so good too.

What are you hoping for change in your life?
To have breakthrough in?
What are you holding onto hope in?
In the darkness, God is still moving, still at work, still working toward redemption, restoration, and bringing us out of the darkness, out of the painful life circumstances. Darkness was never His original intent for us.
As I read this whole passage, I ponder…
Isn’t it so like God to bring such a promise to His people that the darkness, the wilderness, the adversity they are walking through won’t stay— but to tell them while they are fully in the midst of it and can’t see a way out. But God sees the way.
And He calls us to faith.
There will be new life to spring up.
God will bring the sustenance through that wild, difficult place. He will draw near to us in it.
He will guide us out of it. He will make a way through it.
He did that for the Israelites, the audience He is speaking to in this passage of Isaiah.
He redeemed them and reached them out of the adversity they were in. It didn’t happen right away. But God came through.
God can be trusted. I have seen Him do this in my own life… and I’m so grateful.
I’m cheering you on friend in your own difficult life circumstance you are walking through. I know it’s hard. Keep pressing forward, and don’t give up on God. Follow His leading.

If you need some hope, download my Free 8.5 x 11 Printable with a powerful verse and get on my email newsletter!


  • Gina Castell

    When I think of difficulties I think of my own sanctification. I want to see change in me-deliverance from sin or habits, better relationships, and more of God’s responses and God’s attitudes in my life! Gina

    • Choose Joy In the Midst

      Absolutely! A heart that desires God and to be more like Him, to be transformed by Him, is what God wants for us. May we allow Him to grow us!

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