
New Opportunities- Podcast Guest!

I was interviewed on my first podcast today! 🎙️
It was a great conversation, & I can’t wait for you to hear it when it comes out. 🙌
Sign up for my email newsletter and follow me on IG and FB to find out which podcast I was on.
I talked vulnerably about our story of mental health crisis, my book, my being a caregiver for multiple diagnoses, and how faith and psychology are integrally tied together in healing. No surprise if you’ve been around here for awhile… We talked about many other topics too.💕
You’ll just have to follow me @choosejoyinthemidst on Instagram and @choosejoyinthemidst1 on Facebook to not miss the episode.🙌
➡️ If you know of speaking opportunities or podcast interviews on trauma resilience and the physiology of trauma, mental health caregiving, and/or using faith plus therapy, or using faith in difficult life storms, reach out!

You can comment on this post or sign up for my email newsletter to connect. Sending a message on social media is a great way too.

Updated: The podcast episode released April 16th, 2024. Here’s the link to my article on it. Podcast Released


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