Mental Health

September is Suicide Prevention Month. Awareness of the Suicide Epidemic is Critical.

If you or a loved one are struggling with thoughts of suicide. Know that your life matters.

September is Suicide Prevention Month.

Over on Instagram and Facebook you can watch my inspiring reel with music on.
Share it with someone who needs to know they aren’t alone in their battle.

Here is a question I ask:

Has your life or the life of your loved one been affected by suicidal thoughts, “suicide watch”, suicide plans or attempts, or start overs in life?

Have you been the one struggling with suicidality or the one caregiving & fighting for the life of your loved one?

[ a loved one = someone you care about ]

There is hope friend. Truly there is.

You are not alone in your battle.

God cares about you. He truly does.

Many people in your life care about you too.

Life can be tough and overwhelming.

We need each other. To actually know the struggles other people are facing so we can come alongside them and they us…

We need God in a fight that is bigger than us or our loved one.

Know you aren’t alone in your battle friend.

I have cared for my loved one through significant mental crisis and suicide attempts and plans.

It is not an easy fight, but it’s a vital one.

Fight for life friend. For you. For your loved one.

Share this on your profile or story and tag me Choosejoyinthemidst

If you are struggling right now with thoughts of harming yourself tell someone you trust who will help you get the support you need.
You can call 988 and get support right away.

Your life matters friend.

Reach out to someone you trust & tell them you are struggling with suicidal thoughts.

Call 988 in the U.S. and speak with someone who can support you. If you are outside the U.S. search in your area for the support to call.

Find a therapist or counselor to help you walk through the struggles you are facing. You don’t have to do it alone.

I have a resource to help you walk through the steps of finding a mental health therapist. It is free to you. Here is the link: 12 Steps to Find Your Ideal Therapist.

Please share in the comments what resonated with you from what I shared.

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