Thank You for Voting & Here’s The Winner of the Starbucks Gift Card!
Thank you everyone for voting in the Final Book Cover Poll- of the TOP 2 Designs for “Battle Forged & Battle Ready”! *Scroll down for the winner of the Starbucks drawing.* 85 Responses were recorded, and there was a *CLEAR* design that won! 🙌 Stay tuned for the winner because I’ll be revealing the winning design mid-July. Hop on my newsletter HERE to not miss finding out which design won and to receive content focused on empowering you in your battles! Thank you also for all your feedback and insight on the different covers. It was very valuable and helpful to hear from so many people’s perspectives. And now- for…
- Choose Joy, Choose Joy In the Midst, Coping strategies, Fight or Flight Response, Mental Health, PTSD, Pursuing health and wholeness, Stress response, Trauma
Choose Joy In the Midst of PTSD & Trauma Responses
You may be wondering how on earth can both phrases “Choose Joy In the Midst” and “PTSD and Trauma Responses” be connected? I believe we *can* in fact find Joy and choose joy in the midst of very difficult trauma responses we face. We can choose joy and fight for goodness in our lives by pursuing healing and finding ways to positively cope and decrease our trauma responses. Read on, friend. PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) can ensue from trauma and cause your body to go into a fight or flight response when switched on (or triggered) by something that reminds you of that traumatic event. ➡️ Triggers can be…