- Beauty, Bible, Choose Joy, Coping strategies, Encouragement, faith and psychology, Fighting for Joy, Focusing on Truth, intentionality, Life Battles, Life Storms, Mental Health, Mental Health Advocate, Not Alone, Pursuing health and wholeness, Truth
The act of noticing beauty is a powerful antidote to mental health struggles
The act of noticing beauty is a powerful antidote to mental health struggles.It doesn’t remove the struggles from our life, but it uplifts and brings goodness into the difficult. ❤️ I stopped in my everyday moment to see beauty right there.Flowers still blooming though fall has come.One of my favorite flowers… The purple coneflower What beauty have you found today in your everyday life?Share in the comments ⬇️ This act of noticing beauty in your everyday life is a powerful antidote to mental health struggles. If you haven’t noticed something yet, stop, find something, and comment here. It can be a hot cup of coffee, a smiling face, or anything…
- Bible teaching, Encouragement, Faith, Fighting for Joy, Focusing on Truth, Life Storms, New Life, positive self-talk
New Life into the Dead & Broken Parts
God can breathe new life into what was dead, past hope, broken, & done for. God has been at work slowly doing this in my own life.It’s not over yet. It is a process. There are ups and downs as I move forward in it.I have to keep trusting that God is doing a good thing in my life— creating it. Forming it. Reforming the clay, me, as He desires. There is a submission and surrender.My role is to obey. To surrender. To persevere. To yield to what He desires.Hebrews 12: 1a–2 (ESV) says “…let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us…
May We Be Joyful, Hopeful, Patient, Persevering, Faithful, & Prayerful.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. [Rom. 12:12] Let’s focus our mind on this truth, asking God for His help and strength to do so. I’ve been sitting with this verse and considering its’ truth over this last week. The words and encouragement are empowering, and they resonate with my heart. I want to be joyful as I wait hopefully and in hope for what God will do and continue to do in my story, in my life, in my circumstances, in any unanswered prayers I am waiting on, waiting in hope. Let me be joyful as I wait, as I hope. Let me keep focused…
- Bible teaching, Daniel, Encouragement, Faith, Fighting for Joy, Focusing on Truth, God’s mighty power, Hope in God, Life Battles, Life Storms, Mental Health, miracles, Overcome anxiety & worry, Pursuing health and wholeness, spiritual warfare
God Is In the Room & He Still Does Miracles.
Friend— You are Not alone. No matter what you are going through. No matter if anyone knows the battle you are facing, the struggles that are pressing in, the pressures you face. God is right there with you. The song “In the Room” by Maverick City Music is one of my current favorites because it testifies to how God has always been the same, back when Daniel was in the lion’s den and wasn’t devoured after going against the command to only pray to the king. He continued to pray to God and was sentenced to death by the lion’s den as a result. But God protected him. (Read about…
- Both. And, Christmas, Encouragement, Fighting for Joy, Focusing on Truth, God’s Love, Grief & Loss, Hope in God, Life Battles, Life Storms, Love, Prayer, Pursuing health and wholeness, Resting In Peace, Romans
Loss, Joy, Love, & Grief Co-mingled This Christmas
You don’t have to sugarcoat your life. This Christmas allow yourself to miss and grieve the hard things in your life, the people you have lost, the circumstances and relationships that haven’t gone how you hoped. Make room for joy and loss. The excitement of Christmas and the pain of grief. Be kind to yourself and determine ways to honor any grief or loss you have this Christmas. Honor that loved person who you miss so much. How? Put a special ornament on the tree in honor of them. Put a small stocking up somewhere or a little angel or other meaningful item that signifies importance to you. This is…
- Bible teaching, Encouragement, Faith, Fighting for Joy, Focusing on Truth, God’s Love, Hope in God, Life Battles, Prayer, Pursuing health and wholeness, Romans, Spiritual Transformation, spiritual warfare
Nothing Can Separate You From God’s Love. You Are Not Alone!
If you have been around the Bible for some time, you likely know that the Holy Spirit intercedes on your behalf and on my behalf. Romans 8:26 says “…the Spirit helps us in our weakness, We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.” So— when we pray and don’t know even what to ask for, maybe due to the request being heavy or complicated or we are in anguish or feel in despair and, or maybe have given up some on our hope that the situation will change… If you don’t know how to put…
- Bible teaching, Encouragement, Faith, Fighting for Joy, Focusing on Truth, Hope in God, Life Battles, Psalms, Pursuing health and wholeness, Spiritual Transformation, spiritual warfare
In the Midst of Your Battle, God Sees You & Is Near
What battle are you struggling in friend? God knows it. And he cares about you. In the midst of whatever you are walking through. Whether anyone knows the pain you carry or the storm that you are in. God does. You are not alone. God is with you and will help you through the midst of it. Why do I know? How can I be sure? Well, friend, it’s because God carried me through deeply, painful and difficult seasons in my own life where I couldn’t see the end in sight, but God was there carrying me, guiding me, bringing peace to my heart day by day. God is the…
The Hard Things In Your Life
Don’t shy away from the hard realities of your life.Let me say that again— Don’t ignore, downplay, or dismiss the difficult realities of your life. By being honest with yourself and honest with trusted individuals in your life & with God, you take steps toward wholeness.It’s okay to not have the answers for your difficult circumstances when you do share. By sharing about those— painful and difficult things, the painful realities of your life— with trustworthy, empathetic, and kind people— You can take steps toward wholeness. You are not alone dealing with that reality. Your friend doesn’t have to have wise words or answers for your problems, but they do…
Focusing on God’s Approval & Priorities- A Reordering of Life
Lord help me to be your servant and seek out first what you desire and what honors you in my life. To live for people’s wants or desires or asks or needs and have that be the focus is not deeply fulfilling or eternally purposeful for it is placing people in the place where only You should be. To care for the people in our life out of the heart of seeking Your desires and Your priorities in those relationships is to reorder everything to the right places. God, when you are first, the decisions of life more easily settle into their places. Help my ear be attuned to what…
Choose Joy
This morning I wanted to share my very first post. The one that communicates what this site is predicated upon. To choose joy in the midst and find hope & strength. Click on the link below to read my heart behind this website and be encouraged today friends! https://choosejoyinthemidst.com/choose-joy-in-the-midst/ Also, don’t forget to follow me on social media: FB: choosejoyinthemidst1 IG: choosejoyinthemidst If you’d rather not click on the link above, you are in luck because I decided to share them below for ease of reading for you also… Here are my words from that post in 2021 for your encouragement. Be encouraged & choose joy! Also, leave me a…