- Bible teaching, Choose Joy, Choose Joy In the Midst, Faith, Fear, Fighting for Joy, Focusing on Truth, Hope in God
A Spirit of Fear- Getting Free From its’ Bondage
If you are wondering why there’s such a jolting color contrast of the words to the background, it is to show the desired change in our hearts and our lives. It is to emphasize the strong reminder that we are not to live in fear. A spirit of fear is not from God. If it doesn’t come from God, then it is from the enemy of your soul, from Satan. From God comes light— To live and walk with God is to walk in light and truth… To have power, love, and a sound mind as 2 Timothy 1:7 says. Are you walking with God or are you allowing the…
- Bible teaching, Darkness, Encouragement, Faith, Fighting for Joy, Focusing on Truth, God’s mighty power, Life Battles, Life Storms, Mental Health, Peace, Psalms, Pursuing health and wholeness, Resting In Peace
I Will Not Die But Live- A Word of Hope & Truth!
Friend- Can I ask- What in your life have you walked through that has felt like death or actually been death? Read these words and consider them. I will not die but live. It’s a statement based in the nature and goodness of God. The psalmist declares they won’t die but they will instead live… They have been so affected by how God has moved in their life and cared for them and fought their battles, that they are now determined to LIVE — & proclaim what the Lord has done. In what aspect of your life has there been a miracle, a shift, a change? Has peace come into…