The Hard Things In Your Life
Don’t shy away from the hard realities of your life.Let me say that again— Don’t ignore, downplay, or dismiss the difficult realities of your life. By being honest with yourself and honest with trusted individuals in your life & with God, you take steps toward wholeness.It’s okay to not have the answers for your difficult circumstances when you do share. By sharing about those— painful and difficult things, the painful realities of your life— with trustworthy, empathetic, and kind people— You can take steps toward wholeness. You are not alone dealing with that reality. Your friend doesn’t have to have wise words or answers for your problems, but they do…
Christ’s Power On Display In Our Weakness & In Our Struggles
What do you need God’s power for in your life right now—today? What struggles are you carrying? What are you trying to do on your own? 2 Corinthians 12:9 says: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” Paul was honest about his humanity and weaknesses and also so attuned to God’s heart. The way of God is so different from the way of the world. The way of the world will tempt us to try to hide our failings, mistakes, and issues from other…
A Metamorphosis: God’s Transformative Work As We Embrace His Plans For Our Life
What would life be like if we embraced rather than fought the transformative work the Lord wants to do in our life? What would your life be like if you truly, earnestly sought the Lord for what His desires and plans were for your one life— what His fully encompassing will for your life was? Well, we are going to dive into the beginning of Romans 12 today to try to understand more fully what this looks like and why it’s important. Romans 12:1–2 (NASB): “I urge you brethren…present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be…
- Encouragement, Fighting for Joy, Focusing on Truth, Mental Health, Prayer, Resting In Peace, spiritual warfare
It doesn’t feel good to not be in control. In control of our life. Our choices. Our struggles. Our emotions. Our relationships. Our work. To not be on top of everything. Doing well in the many facets of life. It doesn’t feel good— It doesn’t feel comfortable. And yet, being in control is just an illusion. It is not reality. We are not actually in control or even have the actual ability to have control over all the things we interact with in our life on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly basis. So much is outside our control and we will expend so much energy trying to force things to…
Ascribe to the Lord Glory & Rest in His Peace!
“Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name.” Place God in the rightful place in your life. Friend- Are you ascribing/giving to God His due glory? The glory not just that He deserves, But the glory that He is owed from us. He is to be reveled in, to be awe-inspired by. The work of His hands, the awesome nature before us. His handiwork. “The heavens declare the glory of God.” (Psalm 19:1) The word glory in Psalm 29 and Psalm 19 denotes the idea of splendor and weighty importance. This is what we are to ascribe or give to God. Psalm 29 is a declaration of placing God…
Let my words & thoughts be pleasing to you God!
Lord, let the words that I use to communicate today be pleasing to you Lord. Let the thoughts I have and the things I think a lot on and worry over, plan for, and potentially even ruminate about- Let it be honoring to you. Allow me the breath and space Father to breathe in you and exhale everything that is not of you. The demands and stresses that I am not to carry all on my own. You hold me in your hands. You have me. Lord, let me truly believe that and walk in that truth today with my head held high and my heart at peace, whether or…
Be Obedient, Trust God, & Be brave!
What can I be obedient in next Lord? This has been the question on my heart the last 7 days. It is a pivotal question, and each day I have asked myself for the Lord to truly lead and help me to be open to saying yes to what He is telling me to do, to be obedient in it, to be brave. I have been intentional and woken up early, though not rested, and I’ve tried to start each day in His word, praying, writing, reading His word. I have taken tangible steps in my writing desires this week toward believing that God has called me to this, and…
God has redeemed you, fights for you, & calls you by your name!
Do not fear for I have redeemed you. You are mine. I will be with you. When you walk through difficult and dangerous situations, I will protect you. I am the Lord your God. Your Savior. You are precious and honored in my sight. I love you. Because of that, I will fight for you if you are taken or in trouble and go to every length to bring you back. As you read these bits of this passage from Isaiah 43, I hope you, like me, can’t help but be struck by how comforting and safe these words feel. That the God of the universe, the one who created…
Our God fills us with joy, peace, & hope!
In whatever life’s circumstances you are faced with today, know that God has the ability and power to bring joy and peace to your heart. He can bring joy and peace to my heart. All we have to choose to do is to trust Him. Trust. God. As I say those words (Trust. God.) I pause and reflect and consider myself and whether I am trusting God with the current circumstance before me. I can look back and see how God has been faithful before and made a way in so many instances prior. I can look back and remind myself of the miracles in my life and then come…
- Encouragement, Fighting for Joy, Focusing on Truth, Overcome anxiety & worry, Prayer, Pursuing health and wholeness, Spiritual Transformation, spiritual warfare
Focus your Mind on Truth, Decrease Anxiety, & Find God’s Peace
What are you setting your mind on today, friends? Anxious thoughts, busy thoughts, worried thoughts, difficult relationship thoughts, fearful thoughts, harmful thoughts, resentful thoughts, angry thoughts, sad thoughts? The list can go on and on. But what does scripture call us to think on, to set our minds on, to focus on? Let’s look at Philippians 4 to go deeper. Philippians 4:4–8 (ESV): Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the…