May We Be Joyful, Hopeful, Patient, Persevering, Faithful, & Prayerful.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. [Rom. 12:12] Let’s focus our mind on this truth, asking God for His help and strength to do so. I’ve been sitting with this verse and considering its’ truth over this last week. The words and encouragement are empowering, and they resonate with my heart. I want to be joyful as I wait hopefully and in hope for what God will do and continue to do in my story, in my life, in my circumstances, in any unanswered prayers I am waiting on, waiting in hope. Let me be joyful as I wait, as I hope. Let me keep focused…
- Caregiving, Encouragement, Faith, Focusing on Truth, Life Battles, Matthew, Pursuing health and wholeness, sacrificial love
For the Caregiver: God Sees You, Strengthens You, & Helps You
For those who are weary today in their caregiving, no matter the battle or medical issue they are walking through, let me remind you— God sees you. God cares for you. He will give you renewed strength as you continue in the battle you are facing. Let me, now, share a truth the Lord gave to me as I considered all the caregiving I have done… Caregiving is not a reciprocal act. It is an act done in deep sacrificial love without expectation of return on the investment. To caregive is to be asked to love like Jesus did— love without return. Jesus does not expect anything back in return…
A Metamorphosis: God’s Transformative Work As We Embrace His Plans For Our Life
What would life be like if we embraced rather than fought the transformative work the Lord wants to do in our life? What would your life be like if you truly, earnestly sought the Lord for what His desires and plans were for your one life— what His fully encompassing will for your life was? Well, we are going to dive into the beginning of Romans 12 today to try to understand more fully what this looks like and why it’s important. Romans 12:1–2 (NASB): “I urge you brethren…present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be…
- Encouragement, Fighting for Joy, Focusing on Truth, Mental Health, Prayer, Resting In Peace, spiritual warfare
It doesn’t feel good to not be in control. In control of our life. Our choices. Our struggles. Our emotions. Our relationships. Our work. To not be on top of everything. Doing well in the many facets of life. It doesn’t feel good— It doesn’t feel comfortable. And yet, being in control is just an illusion. It is not reality. We are not actually in control or even have the actual ability to have control over all the things we interact with in our life on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly basis. So much is outside our control and we will expend so much energy trying to force things to…
Focusing on God’s Approval & Priorities- A Reordering of Life
Lord help me to be your servant and seek out first what you desire and what honors you in my life. To live for people’s wants or desires or asks or needs and have that be the focus is not deeply fulfilling or eternally purposeful for it is placing people in the place where only You should be. To care for the people in our life out of the heart of seeking Your desires and Your priorities in those relationships is to reorder everything to the right places. God, when you are first, the decisions of life more easily settle into their places. Help my ear be attuned to what…
Fully Persuaded Faith & Hope- Like Abraham
I’ve been reading through the New Testament book of Romans recently. Chapter 4 deals with Abraham’s faith and how his faith was credited to him as righteousness (Rom. 4: 9b). He came long before Jesus came with a new covenant to make a way for sinful man to have eternal life and relationship with God again. Restored relationship. Redeemed relationship- with the Father who loved us so greatly (Read how greatly in John 3:16 and consider what that would be like). Abraham’s faith astounds me. Humbles me. Makes me want to aspire to it. God brought forth a miracle in the lives of Abraham and Sarah when they had no…
The Ultimate Gardener, Transplanter, Hope Giver!
As spring has sprung I am thankful. The Lord is doing new things within me, within my heart also, uprooting what is not of Him, beginning to transplant into my own garden heart His plants of righteousness, His plants of forgiveness, His plants of compassion…. These plants will flourish in my heart, not because of anything within me, but because of Him, because of who He is, and because of what He does in each of our hearts, bringing beauty, bringing healing, bringing redemption, grace, and joy. Praise God I am not the one who has to uproot and try to transplant what is not of Him… I don’t like…
You are a conqueror through Christ- God cares for you in the storms!
I’ve been singing and meditating on the song “ Gonna Be Alright” by Ryan Ellis the past couple days & some of the words that resonated are “Everything’s gonna be alright… You hold me in your arms until my storm is calm.” I don’t know what you are walking through today friend, what storm in your life is brewing or full on trying to knock you down, but I know some of my own storms… If I set my eyes on Jesus for His help, His strength, His guidance, His protection during the trials, the storms, the pain, the hurt, the problems in this life, I know I will be…
Wait on the Lord- He Will Renew Your Strength
One of my favorite songs right now is “Wait On You” by Maverick City Music. The words and song immediately bring me into a place of worship in the midst of whatever I’m doing in the house or driving somewhere. The song is so powerful. I can begin to sing along with the words and my heart will align with the same prayer of waiting on the Lord in my circumstances, waiting on Him to work, waiting on His timing in my life and not trying to go ahead on my own and in my own power with something… allowing Him to order my steps. Here are some of the…