You are a conqueror through Christ- God cares for you in the storms!
I’ve been singing and meditating on the song “ Gonna Be Alright” by Ryan Ellis the past couple days & some of the words that resonated are “Everything’s gonna be alright… You hold me in your arms until my storm is calm.” I don’t know what you are walking through today friend, what storm in your life is brewing or full on trying to knock you down, but I know some of my own storms… If I set my eyes on Jesus for His help, His strength, His guidance, His protection during the trials, the storms, the pain, the hurt, the problems in this life, I know I will be…
God has redeemed you, fights for you, & calls you by your name!
Do not fear for I have redeemed you. You are mine. I will be with you. When you walk through difficult and dangerous situations, I will protect you. I am the Lord your God. Your Savior. You are precious and honored in my sight. I love you. Because of that, I will fight for you if you are taken or in trouble and go to every length to bring you back. As you read these bits of this passage from Isaiah 43, I hope you, like me, can’t help but be struck by how comforting and safe these words feel. That the God of the universe, the one who created…
But GOD who is rich in mercy- He has set you free!
But God who is rich in mercy
Be strong & take heart & wait for the Lord!
Here’s an excerpt from my post: We can be confident and trust in the Lord, trust in His plans and in His leading and trust in His timing to work all things out. God still has good things in store. They are coming. Trust. Wait. And be looking on the horizon for God’s goodness to shine in your life as you lean into Him for truth, leading, and hope. Be encouraged today in whatever you are facing! Read the rest of my post on my website friends. 😊 https://choosejoyinthemidst.com
What Satan meant for evil… God meant for good
What Satan meant for evil… God meant for good. A recent weekend was hard. A circumstance occurred at the beginning of the weekend that was very difficult… Through prayer and reaching out to a couple prayer warriors to come alongside, the tide turned. Satan wanted destruction, demise, dissolution, & discouragement. God allowed building up, rebuilding, redirection, & renewed hope. Slowly over the weekend, this good occurred as the Lord worked, and I trusted Him to direct the path. It took humility. It took patience. It took wisdom. And it will continue to take these things in walking out the Lord’s leading… It was the start of refocus and something good…
A Prayer For a Miracle- a Reprieve… In the Storm.
A Prayer For a Miracle- a Reprieve. In the Storm. Lord we come to you and ask for a miracle… for a reprieve in the midst of the hard. We ask for a miracle in the life of so many right now who are grieving, who are hurting, who are sick, who are crying out for a yes answer from you. God, you are sovereign. You are over All. We know this. And we come to you asking for a miracle in so many people’s current circumstances, of sickness, death, and hardship. We know you are mighty, and we know that you have the power to do what we ask.…