Focusing on God’s Approval & Priorities- A Reordering of Life
Lord help me to be your servant and seek out first what you desire and what honors you in my life. To live for people’s wants or desires or asks or needs and have that be the focus is not deeply fulfilling or eternally purposeful for it is placing people in the place where only You should be. To care for the people in our life out of the heart of seeking Your desires and Your priorities in those relationships is to reorder everything to the right places. God, when you are first, the decisions of life more easily settle into their places. Help my ear be attuned to what…
God- The One With Us In Every Battle & Storm We Face
The song “Another in the Fire” by Hillsong United is so powerful with the imagery of the story of the fiery furnace and the story of Moses and the parting the Red Sea- The imagery of God being present in those moments. The last part of the song says: “There’ll be another in the fire Standing next to me There’ll be another in the waters Holding back the seas And should I ever need reminding How good You’ve been to me I’ll count the joy come every battle ‘Cause I know that’s where You’ll be” Other words in the song that are so powerful to me are “Either way I…
Fully Persuaded Faith & Hope- Like Abraham
I’ve been reading through the New Testament book of Romans recently. Chapter 4 deals with Abraham’s faith and how his faith was credited to him as righteousness (Rom. 4: 9b). He came long before Jesus came with a new covenant to make a way for sinful man to have eternal life and relationship with God again. Restored relationship. Redeemed relationship- with the Father who loved us so greatly (Read how greatly in John 3:16 and consider what that would be like). Abraham’s faith astounds me. Humbles me. Makes me want to aspire to it. God brought forth a miracle in the lives of Abraham and Sarah when they had no…
Be Obedient, Trust God, & Be brave!
What can I be obedient in next Lord? This has been the question on my heart the last 7 days. It is a pivotal question, and each day I have asked myself for the Lord to truly lead and help me to be open to saying yes to what He is telling me to do, to be obedient in it, to be brave. I have been intentional and woken up early, though not rested, and I’ve tried to start each day in His word, praying, writing, reading His word. I have taken tangible steps in my writing desires this week toward believing that God has called me to this, and…
Wait on the Lord- He Will Renew Your Strength
One of my favorite songs right now is “Wait On You” by Maverick City Music. The words and song immediately bring me into a place of worship in the midst of whatever I’m doing in the house or driving somewhere. The song is so powerful. I can begin to sing along with the words and my heart will align with the same prayer of waiting on the Lord in my circumstances, waiting on Him to work, waiting on His timing in my life and not trying to go ahead on my own and in my own power with something… allowing Him to order my steps. Here are some of the…