Mental Health

Thank You for Voting & Here’s The Winner of the Starbucks Gift Card!

Thank you everyone for voting in the Final Book Cover Poll- of the TOP 2 Designs for “Battle Forged & Battle Ready”! *Scroll down for the winner of the Starbucks drawing.*

85 Responses were recorded, and there was a *CLEAR* design that won! 🙌 Stay tuned for the winner because I’ll be revealing the winning design mid-July.

Hop on my newsletter HERE to not miss finding out which design won and to receive content focused on empowering you in your battles!

Thank you also for all your feedback and insight on the different covers. It was very valuable and helpful to hear from so many people’s perspectives.

And now- for the winner of the drawing! As a thank you for voting, I had offered a $10 Starbucks drawing to those who: voted, sent me a picture of the submission page, and were also subscribed to my email newsletter!

I’ll share the first letter of the person who won and email them their Starbucks gift card! The first letter for the winner of the drawing is: D.

Congratulations! I’ll email you your gift card.

Now, friends, if you haven’t been around Choose Joy In the Midst before or are interested in getting to know more about me, click: About Me.

Here’s another article to empower and encourage you. “Integrated Faith & EMDR therapy for Holistic Healing”

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