Amygdala,  Encouragement,  Fight or Flight Response,  Focusing on Truth,  Mental Health,  PTSD,  Pursuing health and wholeness,  Trauma

Trauma, PTSD, & the Amygdala


It’s that thing that turns the dial up high on your amygdala, your emotional response/ emotional memory center, including the fight or flight response. A traumatic experience can cause intense negative emotion to include fear, anxiety, and helplessness, and other emotions too.

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) can ensue from trauma and cause your body to go into a fight or flight response when switched on (or triggered) by something that reminds you of that traumatic event.

Triggers can be those unsuspecting moments that switch the amygdala to “on”, those deja vu moments or circumstances or words that immediately make you feel like you are back in that dangerous moment, and your body jumps into protective mode, whether a real danger is present or not. It can be a smell, a sound, or something else connected to your 5 senses. It can be an item that is connected in your mind to that trauma.

To learn strategies to face these moments is lifegiving. To learn strategies to calm (in the moment) the amygdala down, to decrease the intensity of the response, to remind yourself you are safe, there is not a real and present danger at that moment, is key. It is important. It is necessary to come back to a healthier state of being and living. One strategy we will talk about includes breathing techniques. Stay tuned for strategies.

In future posts, I will continue talking about trauma and PTSD and how to approach it, how to be kind and compassionate to yourself and ways that have assisted me and others I know to dial down that intensity, to live their life more fully. I will keep sharing Biblical truth and content too.

For me, my mental health journey is inextricably linked to my faith journey, my walk with God. He has been my strength and my hope all along the way- through all the difficult things- helping me overcome and continue to pursue health and wholeness for myself and others.

Stick around for more content, both psychology based & faith based to help you fight your battles. Make sure to check out my other writings on my website— for hope, encouragement, and truth! You aren’t meant to do life alone.

I hope your day is a blessed one, friend, and I would be honored to have you follow me on social media and not miss any content.

FB: Choosejoyinthemidst1
IG: Choosejoyinthemidst

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