Fighting for Joy

What Satan meant for evil… God meant for good

What Satan meant for evil… God meant for good. A recent weekend was hard. A circumstance occurred at the beginning of the weekend that was very difficult… Through prayer and reaching out to a couple prayer warriors to come alongside, the tide turned. Satan wanted destruction, demise, dissolution, & discouragement. God allowed building up, rebuilding, redirection, & renewed hope. Slowly over the weekend, this good occurred as the Lord worked, and I trusted Him to direct the path. It took humility. It took patience. It took wisdom. And it will continue to take these things in walking out the Lord’s leading… It was the start of refocus and something good being made… Life is not easy, but God is good. And I am thankful.

This idea and truth comes out of Genesis 50:20 when Joseph has the amazing insight to understand that what his brothers meant for evil against him (selling him and hoping him dead), God used for good to put Joseph in a strategic place in Egypt at the exact right time many years down the road to save God’s people during a huge famine. What an amazing story of God’s providence and provision. What a difficult story to read of Joseph continually being wronged by others. But God had a plan in the midst of that story. And in reading that, there is hope.

May you be blessed today friend in whatever “circumstance” you find yourself in. God is good in the midst. Lean into Him. Ask Him for wisdom, patience, & truth to walk out His leading in your life as I am also trying to do.

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